+55 21 3085-5935 [email protected]

I think in the rush of everyday we forget that what is worth in life is just tasting it, and preferably accompanied by real friends, and this is so simple, ask any dog…

My name is Rafael Gigante Gandres, I’m 41 years old, I’m a veterinarian, amateur athlete and nature lover and everything that surrounds her. I obviously love animals, especially dogs.

I try to enjoy life as best I can because I consider it a gift from God…

I’ve always had dogs, and I’ve always enjoyed nature with them, walking trails, waterfalls and etc … About five years ago, I joined sport with my passions for nature and my dogs, running and competing regularly in trail running.

I made several friends and infected them with this habit. From there I could see the benefits for them and their dogs, and how exercise makes a difference in the quality of life of today’s dogs, who have become sedentary because of the modern lifestyle.

Thus was born the AtivoCão (ActiveDog), which above all was created so that tutors and their dogs can enjoy life in all its fullness!

Rafael Gigante

My great partner in this adventure is Lisa, a bustling bitch of the American satffordshire terrier breed, who despite her invoked appearance is but a very active child.

Today we enjoy life, enjoying nature, running together daily, sharing a friendship that would hardly be possible between humans, because there is no interest between us, just love and complicity.

We traveled endless miles together, sometimes raining, sometimes with sunshine; sometimes at night, sometimes by day, and often accompanied by great and true friends and their tutors, which we have conquered in our adventures.



Rafael Gigante Gandres, 41, Veterinarian, amateur athlete and nature lover.

Oct 9, 2019 | Sports, With Animals | 0 comments

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